Friday Fulfillment Day

When we do not have enough interest in the world around us, then we are thrown back into ourselves. Taken all in all, we have to say that if we look at the chief damages created by modern civilisation, they arise primarily because people are far too concerned with themselves and do not usually spend the larger part of their leisure time in concern for the world but busy themselves with how they feel and what gives them pain … And the least favourable time of life to be self-occupied in this way is during the ages between 14, 15 and 21 years old. The capacity for forming judgments is blossoming at this time and should be directed toward world-interrelationships in every field. The world must become so all-engrossing to young people that they simply do not turn their attention away from it long enough to be constantly occupied with themselves.

— Rudolf Steiner, Education For Adolescents

Informed by Rudolf Steiner’s indications for working with adolescents, an exciting new initiative has begun in the High School this year, that sees our students exploring areas of special interest, alongside staff mentors, as part of a new Friday elective program, born out of the talents and interests of our High School teachers. The options offered will rotate and be extended every five weeks with our initial offerings including surfing, fishing, sourdough bread making, graphic design, team sports, upcycled fashion and bush walking.

The program provides students from Years 8, 9 and 10 opportunities to engage with students from different year levels and cultivate, through the passions of their teachers, a deep interest and love for the world. 

Delaney Crawley
High School Coordinator