Year 9 HSIE

In Term 4, our Year 9s undertook a student-led HSIE project that centered on creating a zine (mini-magazine) to tell the story of an individual connected to the Holocaust. This figure study provided an in-depth exploration of the lived experiences of those affected, highlighting the persecution of various groups, the atrocities committed, and the lasting impacts of these events, still being felt today.

The unit culminated in students presenting their zines and findings to the class, encouraging meaningful and relevant discussions. Through this engagement with history, students gained critical insights into the Holocaust, deepening their understanding of empathy, resilience, and the imperative to oppose injustice.

Year 9 students, Kissi and Milena had the following to say about the project:

“Through creating and presenting our own zines, we were able to learn from our classmates. We learned not only about the history but also about respecting the sensitivity of the topic and improving our oral presentation skills.”

“We feel it’s important to remember and learn about history by examining both sides of the story and forming our own opinions on the matter. Studying a major event like the Holocaust has allowed us to learn from past mistakes and foster a stronger sense of love and compassion.”

Jacob Komesaroff
HSIE Teaher