Welcome back to Playgroup

A warm welcome to Rosewood Cottage Playgroup. The aim of our Playgroup is to provide a sanctuary of truth, beauty and harmony for the children and an oasis of peace and friendship for the parents.

The environment is created to meet the needs of the very young child. It is a place where the children can learn about the world through their senses and by physical ‘doing’. Their soul forces are nurtured through warmth, rhythm and reverence for our space and each other. A safe environment is created for the children, by adults engaged in meaningful activity, worthy of the child’s imitation.

The young child responds well to rhythm and each Playgroup morning is structured in the same way. As the morning progresses, a rhythm like breathing sets in. When the children sit down for songs, stories, fruit and bread-making an ‘in breath’ takes place. Later, with cleaning up and outside play, an ‘out breath’ and so on. The times of the in breaths are times for the adults to bring focused, quiet attention to what is happening.

The rhythm of the morning also helps the children to know what is coming next and helps to direct and strengthen their will. When the appropriate song is sung for that time of the morning, the children will know that it is time to wash hands, make bread or tidy up. The adults set the example for the children. For example, when it is time to pack away, the adults lovingly return all the play items to their ‘homes’. Because the toys are put in the same place each time the children begin to know where each one belongs.

As their learning through rhythm and imitation is very strong, very soon the children will also wish to join in. Some children will be ready to join in all activities, while others may join in for a little. All this is perfectly fine. The little ones will join in more as they become ready.

The preschool years (the years before formal schooling), are the most important of all in the Education of the child.

It is absolutely essential that before we begin to think, before we so much as begin to set our thinking in motion, we experience the condition of wonder.

— Rudolf Steiner

Carina Halliday
Playgroup Coordinator