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We welcome your interest in enrolling your child at Shearwater. We are currently accepting enrolments for 2025 and beyond. Many 2025 classes are full with waitlists. Please contact our enrolments team for more information.
We recommend families intending to enrol apply early and ensure they keep their contact details and applications up to date.
Places in full classes are only made available by students leaving and it is difficult to say how long a child may wait for a place.
While date of application is taken into account, there are other factors that influence the decision to progress a child’s enrolment, including the family’s support of the School’s ethos, as well as their ability to pay fees. Students from other Steiner schools and siblings of enrolled students are given priority on waiting lists.
Attendance at a school tour is required where possible. Tours of the Primary School and High School are generally held twice per term and are led by Faculty Coordinators. Tours commence at 9.30am sharp and take about one hour.
Like what you see? Complete an Application Form online. A non-refundable Application Fee will be charged. You can apply before seeing the School if needed.
When a place is available, an enrolment interview will be scheduled with the Class Teachers or High School Guardians, to see whether our School is a good fit for your family. Not all students who are interviewed will be offered a place.
The Enrolments Coordinator will either make an offer of a place or you will be informed that no place can be offered at this time and be given the option of remaining on the waiting list.
To accept an offered place, you will be asked to complete an Enrolment Form provided. A non-refundable Enrolment Fee will be charged to secure your place.
Please do not hesitate to call or email if you have any questions about the School or our admissions process.
(02) 6684 3223
Preschool is for children turning four or five during the calendar year. It is a NSW Health requirement that all Preschool children be fully immunised.
Kindergarten is for children turning six during the calendar year.
We recommend early applications for Preschool and Kindergarten. These will be placed on a waiting list and contacted when the enrolments process commences. We aim to offer the first round of places during September or October. Any remaining places will be offered prior to the end of the school year.
Children enrolled at Little Shearwater Preschool are not guaranteed a Kindergarten place. Preschool children will be considered alongside other applicants, according to our Enrolment Policy which gives priority to the following: