Deep trust that there’s something to be discovered in difficult situations may bring a new revelation. This revelation, especially if we encounter each other gently, may be the vision for a new human community, one in which lives the hope for a union of all people. There are times that a glimpse of such a new community is visible. It needs, however, new eyes and ears to perceive it: a heart that is open and interested in others and the grace to share, in complete harmony, in the feelings of others. Rudolf Steiner indicated this new community would become possible through people learning to “penetrate more and more into the spiritual worlds.” (Rudolf Steiner’s Vision of Love by Bernard Nesfield-Cookson, p266).
And yet human suffering and devastation in our world is real. There is division in ourselves, in our families, friendships, communities and nations. It’s almost unbearable yet it raises the question of the source of such destruction and what our children may need if we are to build a new community imbued with love.
The opponents to a new humanity thrive on division and the battlefield lies within the human soul. It is possible, through both grace and inner striving, however, to develop capacities that strengthen the human soul so it may remain at peace in the face of adversity, radiating healing and blessing into the world. This is the path of love and every human must choose, in freedom, to walk it or not. Herein lies the potential to seed a new community where all people may live in harmony. Like any seed, love needs tending and humanity certainly hasn’t attained it yet… but glimpses are there and it is worthwhile to take notice of these moments each day.
Our children are on the pathway to becoming free human beings who may choose to walk the path of love. They come to school each day and receive rich pedagogical stories to cultivate imagination. In these stories, trials and adversity are overcome through virtues such as goodness, patience, contentment, devotion, perseverance, selflessness, compassion and courtesy.
The children are also offered challenges and tasks and shown new skills that they then have to cultivate and work with to become mature and strong in. If everything was done for them they would not develop certainty in their own capacities. Likewise, when social issues arise or new phases of development are encountered, the children gather in community and are guided to practice sharing, listening and opening their hearts with authenticity and interest in the other. The different points of view, sometimes mistakenly called truth, are listened to and acknowledged, standing side by side. If we are truly blessed, grace may enter the circle, healing may occur and resolutions may be agreed upon. The patterning embodied in such daily rituals and rhythms at school, plants seeds for the future, so, when crises arise, these may be met with trust, openness and quiet certainty in a community of care. School, therefore, can be where deeds of love are practiced as we step towards the vision of a new community where there is union for all people.
Cultivating hope for this potential, through collaborative resolution, has been evident in the recent class plays I have been blessed to see. Class 2K depicted diverse bird life coming together in community to resolve issues. Class 6J portrayed the hilarious tale of Ned Kelly and the pies, showing how the overcoming of personal characteristics through virtues that build community, can win the day! Class 5M created a beautiful tableau of colour, song and dance when sharing the story of Persephone, who ate of the pomegranate and so dwelt half of the year in the darkness of the underworld and half of the year in the light of day. Again this resolution was found after much debate amongst the gods. Class 5H presented their class play, Perseus, portraying the human being that has the freedom to open their heart softly to others or harden it like stone.
5M and 5H also went on camp together at South Stradbroke Island, learning to work collaboratively to erect and storm-proof tents, move equipment in chain gangs, interact with others out of their comfort zones, swim and snorkel in open waters, hike and care for each other when homesickness or challenges arose.
This week, further skills are being cultivated as we pack up the classroom, leaving it beautiful for the next children, and work to ensure we settle quickly into our new room. School life is certainly a rich tapestry of learning and community-building opportunities. Within this learning lie the seeds of hope for a union of all peoples. Within this education lie the seeds for a new humanity, as Rudolf Steiner envisioned when he founded it. This ripening new humanity will need, however, the continued love and life of the adults surrounding the children in our school community, to be made real.
As the year draws to an end, may your heart radiate healing and blessings into the world. May you know deep peace and may you carry the light of hope for a union of all peoples in a new humanity imbued with love.
With warm blessings
Heather Peri
Class 5H