Year 6 camp

Students from our school recently undertook an educational tour of the national capital. Students were given the opportunity to participate in a variety of educational programs with a focus on Australia’s history, culture, heritage and democracy.

The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit the national capital as part of their Civics and Citizenship education. To assist families in meeting the cost of the excursion the Australian Government contributed funding of $90 per student under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate program towards those costs. The rebate is paid directly to the school upon completion of the excursion.

Snow Camp

We left school not knowing if the snow was there or not,
But onwards we ploughed and just as well,
The winds did blow, the clouds did snow,
And we all loved our adventure.

In bus so big, we filled it up with almost all we owned,
We settled in and travelled on until we landed in Dural –
Lorien Novalis with rooms for the classes.
Cold kitchen, long walk in, we really dragged our …. feet.

Then on to Canberra, so straight and neat and tidy,
Uniforms and diplomats – lining up was not so easy.
Questacon was fun tho’ – free falling down it was so amazing,
Lots to do and loads to see, much better than eurythmy!

Orana School was welcoming, we all slept well that night.
Class Eleven cooked for us, chicken curry and rice,
In drama room we all camped down and waited for early light
No mess, no fuss, such sheer delight.

Old Government House, so grandiose, with young military man so sweet,
He told us officially His Excellency has much added to his name:
The Governor General – “ The honorable David Hurley AD DSC (retired)”
He was home when we were in.

Parliament House – with Red for Senate and Green for the House of Reps.
Tired we left, enough is enough, but Canberra has its way-
To run a country with a mace, to keep the people in their place
Yet all can have their say.

On we drove with Wayne at wheel until we reached the lake,
Angler’s Reach, our home from home, with beds and showers
Sinks and pillows, cabins, couches and tastes from home
We relaxed and fished and frolicked.

Early starts, to snow we left, in dark to Thredbo white and freezing,
Wow, what was said I’ll tell you now – no-one feeling lazy,
Fluffy, thrilling, ‘Whoop Whoop’ we went as we gathered to the rally,
Fairy Land, thick snow, carved lines and rails, the challenges abounded.

High and low viz – who cares – just whiz the slopes from ‘Friday Flat’ to ‘Merrits’,
‘Easy-Does-It’ and ‘Gunbarrel Cruisers’ we all eventually found our credits.
Hot dogs and chips, soft drinks and rolls – stuff never served at school,
A welcome sight when rolling in from slipping down the hills.

We flew, we pushed, we met our match, we learned to find our way,
Elated faces, bodies sore, a shower, good food and lots to say,
With friends we gathered round a fire, sharing stories of our day,
Then into bed we’d crawl and rest, awaiting the new day.

Our well-earned rest day was just great, our little rooms, our homes,
Guests all welcome in and out, with food and blankets and good cheer.
Fish were caught, a whopper too, we ate them then and there.
We shared our joy, we walked the lake, we had a concert until late.

Then movie night came about with Banjo’s poetry and giggles,
A romance light and right for here – ‘The Man From Snowy River!’
Jessica and Jim, both young – in love – the horses bringing them together.
We laughed, we cried we sat together, with rugs and pillows in chilly weather.

In all t’was great, we met new mates, solidified our friendships,
We pulled together, the sixes now – all as one,
In sun and snow, in bus rides slow,
Whatever comes in future years, we’re in this all together.

Thanks to everyone on camp.

Linda Mayer
Class 6 Teacher