Playgroup news
Spring has surely sprung in Playgroup and the children are full of life and enthusiasm.
The world is full of wonder, with our silkworms hatching into soft and creamy moths. To watch this process is nature’s magic. We are feeding our wiggly compost worms our scraps and learning that citrus makes them unwell. We are cleaning the guinea pigs’ home and making sure they are fed and watered, as well as thanking them for their poo which nourishes our garden soil.
The children and parents are helping plant spring flowers and we are all delighting in the results. Bindies are being dug out of the grass and we have sprinkled biodynamic ‘potions’ all over our Playgroup garden. In all of these activities, it is so wonderful to be able to observe the children’s eagerness for learning.
We make our ‘crunchy buns’ every day and while cleaning up is not everyone’s cup of tea, we learn that we are a team, and it takes all of us to help each other.
The parent’s art and craft work is outstanding and it certainly filled me with pride seeing some of our children’s and parent’s work displayed at our Spring Festival, at the heart of the ‘learning tree’ (see picture above).
Warmest wishes
Carina Halliday
Playgroup Coordinator